BioVX is broad spectrum and effective against bacteria, fungi, yeasts and all known classes of virus. Because of superior dilution rates it is highly cost-effective, works equally well in both hard and soft water and is unaffected by temperature fluctuation.

Key points

    • Effective against bacteria, moulds, yeasts and all viruses

    • Bio-degradable

    • Superior dilution rate giving increased economy

General properties

BioVX is a pink powder consisting of a stabilised blend of peroxygen compounds, surfactants, organic acids and an inorganic buffer system.

Instructions for use
Apply at the recommended dilution rate via a power-washer set at low pressure (1000 psi) with a wide-angled jet, thoroughly wetting all surfaces but avoiding excess run off.

    • Defra General orders 1:100

    • Defra Foot and mouth disease Orders 1:1200

    • Defra Swine vesicular disease Orders 1:100

    • Defra Disease of Poultry Orders 1:200

Suitable for - Poultry, Pigs, Game birds, Cattle, Horses




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